How to Clean Your Garage Door


Despite being one of the more neglected parts of the home, your garage is often one of the most visible – so when it comes to cleaning, it remains crucial you know what you are doing. 

In our, How to Clean A Garage Door guide, we have gathered several essential garage door cleaning tips to get it looking its best.

Use Warm & Soapy Water

Knowing how to clean a garage door is incredibly straightforward and can often be done with everyday items found around the house. 

To start, all you need is a bucket, non-abrasive sponge and either a car wash or dishwasher liquid mixed with warm water. Having gathered all the necessary items, gently work over the garage door with the sponge before washing off all soapy suds with a hose. 

Wax the Door

If your garage doors are made from steel, then every six months or so, they will want to be waxed to help protect the finish. Waxing is typically recommended after a door has been washed with warm soapy water and then dried.

To wax down the door, use a good quality liquid automotive wax, though avoid paste waxes, and make sure all exposed areas of the door are covered.

Monitor for Rust

Steel garage doors can often be vulnerable to the outdoor elements if not cared for, resulting in rust and a weakening in durability. Ensuring regular checks for any signs of rust will allow you to keep on top of any if it does appear. If you find yourself struggling with rust, the team here at PBH Garage Doors can help with a range of professional repair and replacement services.

Clean the Weather Strip

Designed to keep out pests and protect your door from the elements, weather stripping is essential for protecting the garage’s contents. As part of the cleaning process, you should inspect the stripping for any signs of wear and tear while ensuring it still functions sufficiently. If you have any issues or need the stripping replaced, the team here at PBH Garage Doors are on hand to help.

What Not to Do When Cleaning Your Garage Door

Alongside knowing how to clean a garage door, understanding what to avoid is also essential for preventing unnecessary damage.

Don’t Use a Pressure Washer

A high-pressure washer may end up damaging the door rather than cleaning it. Instead, use a standard garden hose during the cleaning process to avoid any damage.

Avoid Abrasive Sponges

The last thing you want to do is damage your garage door while washing, so avoiding using an abrasive sponge is essential. Alternatively, clean your garage door with a soft cloth as this will help to prevent any unwanted marks or scratches.

Don’t Use Bleach

Applying bleach directly to your door can result in damage. If dealing with tough stains, diluting the bleach with water can help, though ensure the area you are cleaning is dry first.

Garage Door Cleaning Advice: Final Thoughts

We hope our garage door cleaning tips have provided you with several clear steps to ensure your garage continues looking its best. At PBH Garage Doors, we are leading garage door repair and garage door installation specialists, available to help clients throughout Kent with any issues they may have with their garage doors.


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